Innovation, Dedication & 125 Years of Local Manufacturing
It's our birthday!
We don't usually announce this type of thing, but this one is pretty special. We're turning 125. Yes, that is more than a century! There have been a lot—and we mean, a lot—of changes over the four generations that we have been in business, but the one thing that hasn't changed? Our commitment to our hometown.
Things were different 125 years ago. There were hardly any cars, and to get around the city, people walked or took the newly electrified streetcars. Reliable boots that kept you warm in Quebec winters were a necessity, not a fashion statement. The simple act of moving stuff from one place to another was also tough. It would be 32 years before the construction of the Jacques Cartier Bridge (34 before it was complete) in Montreal, our hometown. To get the boots from the factory to the port, they were loaded onto boats and transported up the St-Lawrence River
Through the years, our business and the city changed. But we remained committed to our community and our city. After 125 years, we still make our boots in Montreal, in the same factory we opened in 1965, with Canadian and imported materials. Being surrounded by the company’s heritage is grounding, and inspiring, and motivates us to innovate in new ways.
Manufacturing in North America provides us with the opportunity to radically rethink and reshape how we make our products. Not only do we save on transport emissions, but we've also reduced our waste by using and reusing as much of our source materials as possible and investing in a recycling program that has allowed us to create boots that are 100% recyclable. How's that for sustainability efforts?
We invest and take pride in these initiatives because when you've been around this long, you're not afraid to challenge the status quo. And because we want to be here to celebrate the next 125 years.
Since it’s our birthday, we decided to open the doors of our Montreal factory and give you, our customers, a glimpse into how our footwear is made. We take great pride in our North American manufacturing and it’s a pleasure to share how we make the magic happen with you. Our footwear, crafted with attention to detail and care, are not the only stars of the campaign. It also features the Kamik family, the team who work tirelessly behind the scenes every day to create best in class family footwear. What an absolute pleasure it was to work with them on this and to honor them in this way. Making footwear is our passion and stepping outside and spending time together is our joy.